Father's Day As we all know Mother’s Day celebration in Indian was take aback due to lockdown in India. But now it’s time for Father’s Day good news is that it comes at a time where India is under the Unlock phase and almost regular activity will be started by then. It is also believed to the first event after lockdown. When is Father’s Day and It's Meaning A father means a lot of things to their children, A friend, role model, superhero, guide and always stand b them at all moments. To acknowledge this unconditional love and bond, every year Father’s Day is celebrated. It always falls on the 3rd Sunday of June month. In 2020, Father’s Day in Indian is taking place on 21 June. This event is not a public holiday and it is mostly celebrated in metro cites where children give gifts like (clothes, greeting cards, flowers, caked and other gifting items) to their fathers. History of Father’s Day Father’s Day was believed to be started by an American woman, who was born in Sebast...